Bridal Bouquets
Here is a Bridal and Bride’s Maid Bouquets froma recent Lake Placid Wedding… (Photos by Todd Bissonette)
Here is a Bridal and Bride’s Maid Bouquets froma recent Lake Placid Wedding… (Photos by Todd Bissonette)
I know it is July…but the weather almost feels like February here! Anyway, I thought I would post this little video I made at Valentines Day last year…enjoy! Valentines at lake Placid Flower and Gift Company from Todd Bissonette on Vimeo.
Here are some examples of Wedding Flowers we have arranged… See some more on the Wedding Flowers Page
Please be patient with us as we re-organize our web site! If you would like to place and order for a flower arrangement or gift basket please give us a call at 518-523-9494.